The term “outcome-based education” was first introduced in 1988 by William G. Spady. The renowned psychologist and educationist is popular for his attempts to improve the quality of school education. He introduced outcome-based education (OBE) to revolutionize the entire conventional learning process.
Overview of Outcome-Based Education
Unlike conventional teaching methods, the innovative Outcome-Based Education method aims to map, measure, and achieve pre-set educational goals. This approach to education is drastically different than the traditional learning method. OBE mainly focuses on improving the overall learning experience for youngsters. This involves focusing on more than just the curriculum, especially in E-learning atmospheres.
In simple words, OBE in E-learning means focusing on ensuring that students learn the required knowledge and skills that are needed to perform well professionally. This is in stark contrast to traditional education methods that are more focused on achieving good grades and ranks based on memorization of theory and minimal practical application. So, in an outcome-based learning system, the product defines the process, and not the other way around.
This approach is also termed Result-Oriented Thinking, which is the opposite of traditional Input-Based Education. The latter is more focused on the education process, while OBE is focused on achieving desired results instead.
The Outcome-Based Education approach aims to improve different aspects of education to ensure optimal learning. For this, the method focuses on improving certain attributes in students, such as:
- Communication skills
- Lifetime learning
- Professionalism
- Work ethics
- Team-work
- Individual goal-setting
- Simplifying complex education
- Analytica and problem-solving skills
Now that you know the outline of an outcome-based education approach, let’s take a closer look at how it helps to craft success in learning.
Explaining Outcome-Based Education In Detail
Outcome-based learning is a method of education that focuses on helping students achieve specific goals at the end of the education process. These goals are practical, measurable outcomes that can be effectively shown by students through innovative assessment.
In OBE, the entire teaching and learning process is designed around achieving pre-determined educational outcomes. This includes specifying the outcomes for students, and creating curriculum content clearly to achieve said outcomes, instead of just theoretical knowledge. It also includes organizing the content, teaching methods, educational strategies, evaluation methods, and overall education environment.
The OBE method has two main requirements -
1. Identifying education outcome - The education outcomes should be identified clearly and explicitly communicated to teachers and students.
2. Outcome-centric education process - The education outcome should be the focus when deciding the content and curriculum.
This means that the teaching staff should frame the course content and syllabus to improve the outcome of the course. The teaching methods and education strategies should also be aligned with the pre-determined outcome. To do this, it is important to convey the importance of outcomes which should be shared with students and teachers using easy-to-understand guides.
The OBE approach is also linked to mastery of learning. It determines the skills and knowledge that students should demonstrate on completing the education course. It asserts that all students can succeed if they master the core concept of outcome-based learning.
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Characteristics of Outcome-Based Education Institutions
According to Spady, the main characteristics or principles of an outcome-based educational institution are -
- A comprehensively supported mission statement that shows commitment to helping every student succeed, and providing resources and support to fulfill this commitment.
- A clear definition of ‘exit outcome’ that students need to show before graduating from the school.
- A well-structured, clearly defined, and highly effective curriculum base for courses, programs, and units based on achieving pre-determined exit outcomes.
- A multi-method system to make the teaching approach and education delivery most effective in helping students achieve the desired outcomes, and ensuring students get multiple opportunities to be successful.
- A system of assessment based on referencing by pre-set outcome-based criteria
- A consistent commitment to improving staff collaboration and accountability to ensure effective leadership in education.
- A well-organized and dynamic database with detailed definitions of outcomes, key factors for evaluating school effectiveness, and improving conditions that ensure student and staff success in achieving the exit outcomes.
Advantages of Implementing Outcome-Based Education
There are numerous advantages to implementing an outcome-based learning approach in schools, colleges, and universities.
These are the top advantages of adopting the OBE approach to education -
1. Applicability
An outcome-based approach to education emphasizes the relevancy of education and curriculum to improving students’ capabilities. Using an OBE approach helps identify areas of improvement, such as communication skills, learning pace, etc. It also reminds us of the importance of some relevant aspects of traditional teaching methods. This way, teachers and students can decide and implement an effective pace of learning to achieve maximum proficiency in professional skills.
2. Universal Integrability
The OBE approach to education is ready for integration by most faculty as it is an extremely teacher-friendly educational technique. It is significantly better than traditional teaching methods. Conventional teaching is based on subjective ideas of what students should learn, how they should learn, and what teachers should be able to teach.
Instead, the innovative OBE method has a singular appeal to it. The outcome-based education method is acceptable ethically, socially, professionally, and in terms of effective education. This is also the reason that increasing numbers of E-learning platforms are integrating OBE teaching methods for maximum educational efficiency.
3. Conceptual Clarity
The actual concept of outcome-based education is extremely to easy to understand. Most of the times, the educational jargon makes it sound complex, while in reality it is a relatively simple concept of education method.
4. Proven Framework
The OBE method offers a robust and reliable curriculum framework for effective teaching and learning. It unifies the comprehensive curriculum and prevents confusion. It is a sort of glue that hold the entire curriculum together.
It specifies the aims and objectives of the course so teachers can effectively contribute to reaching OBE goals. This excellent framework helps to tie together the teaching methods, learning experiences and evaluation approach of education.
5. Accountability Assurance
An OBE approach sets specific outcomes for every aspect of education. This makes it easier to judge progress and effectiveness of the adopted study plans, curriculum and measure the pace at which individual students learn. With this, OBE learning ensures accountability of teachers and students alike. This aspect of OBE is extremely effective in ensuring optimal effectiveness of E-learning approach.
6. Self Education
The OBE approach ensures that students follow self-directed learning methods, which makes them more responsible for their education. The clear well-structured curriculum lets students plan their studies accordingly. It also helps students to measure their progress and pace of learning on their own.
7. Flexible Implementation
An OBE method of teaching offers immense flexibility. It does not monitor the educational strategy or course delivery. The teachers can easily make adjustments and changes to the existing OBE approach at any point in the academic year to ensure optimal effectiveness in learning.
8. Assessment Guide
It is essential to specify the intended outcomes of learning to successfully implement OBE assessment methods. This method effectively promoted moving to performance-based assessments which are more consistent. This works exceptionally well for evaluating E-learning teaching methods.
The OBE assessment method is mainly focused on making assessments the standard way to measure a student’s academic performance. In this, the standards of academic progress that students achieve matter more than the time it takes them to achieve these results.
9. Curriculum Contribution
The OBE method of education welcomes contributions from different stakeholders in the education process. This way, multiple types of individuals and groups can help determine the most effective outcomes of education. This is highly effective to ensure streamlined multi-professional education in higher education technical institutes.
10. Curriculum Evaluation
Evaluating curriculum is increasingly becoming more important for schools, colleges, and universities. OBE provides pre-determined outcomes which can be used to measure academic progress most accurately. This method makes it easier to identify areas of improvement when students fail to achieve the pre-set outcomes.
Outcome-Based Education Implementation Process
Implementing an outcome-based education system at educational institutions requires fine-tuned planning and result-oriented approach. This task is further simplified by integrating a reliable OBE software system.
Firstly, you will need to do an in-depth study of your institution and curriculum. This is necessary to identify the unique needs of your institution, as every institution has different priorities and requirements.
Below are listed the essential steps for successful implementation of OBE teaching methods at educational institutions -
Assess Requirements
The first step in implementing OBE techniques in your institution involves performing a thorough self-assessment. This includes collecting detailed data on your current curriculum. It also includes evaluating the management and operational standards of your institution, besides taking feedback from every stakeholder, such as students, teachers, parents, and administration.
This detailed information is useful to generate tactics, define goals, and evaluate the progress effectively to implement OBE.
Identify Outcomes
The second step in successful implementation of Outcome-Based Education method is to define outcomes clearly. You can do this by analyzing the information you have collected from stakeholders, and evaluating the needs of your institution. Outcomes are also defined by identifying the skills and goals you want students to acquire and achieve.
It is easiest to improve current teaching methods on the go. Teachers can use this aspect to measure progress towards long-term and short-term goals with equal ease by identifying end-goals.
Collaborative Communication
The successful implementation of OBE is ensured when there is excellent communication between stakeholders and decision makers. The OBE implementation process requires receiving detailed feedback from students, teachers, parents, industry experts, and policy makers of the educational institution. This is effective to bring clarity during planning OBE strategies and ensure increased chances of successful implementation.
Map Outcomes
Once the exit outcomes have been defined clearly, you should find a connection between the main outcome aims and short-term goals. For instance, one of your main education outcome could be for students to acquire environmental conservation awareness. In such a case, the correlating short-term goal should be to measure the time and effort the student has spent on the subject during the course.
Define Contributions
Once you have set the outcomes it is time to define the student’s contribution to achieving these goals. This can be done using evaluations, such as exams, projects, and assignments. The result of these evaluations helps know the extent of achievement and pace of progress in academic learning.
This also helps to make alterations, if required, in the current outcome-based E-learning method to ensure successful implementation of OBE approach.
Consistent Evaluations
As mentioned before, consistent evaluation is an important factor to successfully implement OBE teaching methods. This involves getting feedback from students at every stage of education, and performing assessments frequently. This way, you can easily identify areas of improvement in curriculum, and ensure that students achieve the desired results of the outcome-based learning plan.
It is inefficient to implement Outcome-Based Education methods manually into existing curriculum. Schools, colleges, and universities face several challenges in successfully implementing outcome-based education methods without the help of digital OBE solutions, such as campus ERP or college management systems. It is recommended to choose the best-suited outcome-based education ERP to ensure your institute handles all OBE-related tasks most effectively. This is also essential for successful implementation of outcome-based learning methods in all types of educational institutions.
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Author :
Gurudev Somani,
Academic Consultant