Unraveling the Mystery of CHEA: A Comprehensive Exploration

22 August 2024

What ensures a high-quality education? Which colleges and universities provide efficient student support services? Finding answers to these questions is vital, especially for students who strive for quality higher education.

That is why an accredited institution is a primary choice for many students for several reasons, including top-notch education. For instance, CHEA-accredited colleges and universities focus on student success, continuous comprehensive improvement, public accountability, etc.


What is CHEA?

CHEA stands for the Council for higher education Accreditation and is an organization established in the United States of America. Its foundation in 1996 led to the merger of several regional and national non-governmental accrediting agencies for institutions of higher learning.

The organization serves to ensure quality in higher education or post-secondary education programs. It facilitates students, members, and society at large by advocating for the value and independence of accreditation.

Also, it stands for the recognition of accrediting organizations and their commitment to delivering updated and relevant higher education. Therefore, the CHEA recognition indicates the following:

  • The accreditation organization has met a specific set of criteria and strict standards.
  • It aligns with the prescribed criteria to guarantee excellent academic quality.
  • It maintains institutional improvement and the advancement of student success.
  • Demonstrates public accountability for performance and transparency.
  • Maintains an effective accreditation structure and organization.

What are the functions of CHEA?

CHEA is the only national organization in the United Nations that focuses exclusively on higher education and quality assurance. It also recognizes US-accredited organizations, including career-related, regional, and faith-related accrediting organizations.

Also, it recognizes programmatic-accrediting organizations. A board of college and university presidents, institutional representatives, and public members governs CHEA.

Besides, it caters to higher education members, accreditation communities, and the public by executing the following functions:

  • Conducts the recognition process and proceeds to validate the efficacy of the higher education accrediting bodies.
  • Facilitates and carries out elaborate research that informs and furthers the accreditation process and quality assurance formalities.
  • The organization acts as a national advocate for the government, media, and public to guarantee higher education quality through accreditation and peer review.
  • It collects and distributes data and information about accreditation through a biennial public audit.
  • Acts as a mediating and authoritative body and offers non-binding arbitration between institutions and accreditors for final adverse accrediting decisions.
  • One of the crucial functions of the Council for Higher Education Accreditation is its responsibility to ensure the quality and diversity of colleges and universities.

What is the accreditation process in the United States?

The accreditation process of higher education institutions is an elaborate collegial peer-review process that focuses on continuous improvement. It places equal emphasis on assessing the academic quality and public accountability of institutions and programs.

The accreditation process is as follows:

  • A comprehensive review method that includes self-study and providing written documentation of how the institute or program meets the standards. Here, the standard refers to a predetermined set of rules and principles.
  • The organization seeking accreditation prepares and streamlines all the essential documents, records, and surveys with advanced tools like ADMS.
  • An on-site evaluation with a team that includes peer reviewers who correspond with the institutional and/or programmatic stakeholders. They confirm that the institutes meet the standards.
  • The next step is a crucial one, which entails a review process by the decision-making body of the accrediting organization. The following step indicates a decision about the accreditation.
  • A crucial process that the accrediting bodies carry out is an ongoing monitoring process between the comprehensive reviews.

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What is the difference between CHEA and USDE?

A complex and rigorous process is at the center of CHEA recognition, and the particular organization must fulfill each step accordingly. Furthermore, CHEA is the only national organization that provides recognition to institutional and programmatic accrediting organizations.

It is noteworthy to point out that the U.S. Department of Education (USDE) conducts governmental recognition reviews for accrediting organizations. Nonetheless, CHEA acts independently of the federal government’s recognition activities.

Also, a key component of the organization’s philosophy is the principle that the academic community must determine academic quality, not the government. Besides, the USDE solely recognizes those institutional, professional, and specialized accrediting agencies that serve as gatekeepers for federal funds.

On the other hand, CHEA recognizes accrediting organizations irrespective of their federal financial gatekeeping role. In fact, it recognizes those organizations that meet particular standards for student success, academic integrity, and public accountability.

Furthermore, the CHEA recognition and subsequent approval indicate the organization prioritizes quality programs and methodologies.

What is the process of CHEA recognition and accreditation?

The recognition process is elaborate, thorough, and transparent and incorporates verification and approval processes. The CHEA committee includes academicians, accrediting organizations, and specialists who act as peer reviewers.

The CHEA recognition process is as follows:

  • The accrediting organizations provide documented evidence that they develop and implement standards. They must also showcase the evidence for conducting policies and procedures that reflect the organization’s expectations for academic quality.
  • They should demonstrate public accountability for performance and transparency in terms of expectations related to decision-making. Also, it includes the accountability of the accrediting organization.
  • It should point out their performance and programs that aim to meet the expectations of the accrediting organizations. The programs could be qualitative or quantitative.
  • The organization must provide valid evidence, reflecting the fact that it implements policies and standards indicative of crucial institutional values. It can utilize tools like the ADMS to avoid any manual errors and inconsistencies.
  • CHEA has an international body called the CHEA International Quality Group (CIQG), which helps institutions and quality assurance organizations worldwide improve academic quality.
  • These institutional values include a commitment to diversity, inclusivity, and equity; it must ensure the use of ethical practices in its operations.

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Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: CHEA’s Core Elements

CHEA understands that cultural diversity is one of the distinguishing features of America; it strives to create a safe and inclusive space. Furthermore, it fosters an environment that aids in appreciating the values and diversity of higher education institutions.

The organization appreciates and accepts accreditors, board members, and staff with diverse socio-cultural backgrounds and experiences. Therefore, it is reflected in CHEA’s policies, procedures, and daily operations.

CHEA recognizes the extreme polarization among different groups and communities in America and believes in policies that help to reinstate the values of one nation. That is where CHEA plays an integral role in ensuring quality education, which helps to eliminate ignorance and prejudice.

What are the benefits of CHEA recognition?

For more than 25 years, CHEA has been a significant entity advocating for institutions in the accreditation process. Therefore, the institutes enjoy multiple benefits and services, such as:

  • Recognition of approximately 60 U.S. institutional and programmatic accreditors.
  • Representation and promoting the institution’s autonomy for defying quality through accreditation.
  • Access to CHEA Speakers for Institutional Forums
  • No-cost registration for the annual Roundtable
  • No-cost CHEA webinars
  • Participation in the CHEA Fellows Program
  • Annual CHEA/CIQG Conference (discounted registration)
  • The CHEA online database that lists accredited institutions and programs (a marketing source for colleges and universities)
  • Non-binding arbitration process (effective January 2023)
  • Contact information for House and Senate Committees that influence higher education policy

In Conclusion

CHEA is an organization that grants recognition through accreditation. It sets standards for academic excellence, quality assurance, and programmatic accreditation. Besides, it is the only organization in the U.S. to recognize U.S. accrediting organizations, including regional, career-related, faith-related, and programmatic accrediting organizations.

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Prashant Borkar Author:

Prashant Borkar,

Academic Consultant

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